Series of events
Summer semester 2024 under the motto „From trash to treasure“
The major challenges of the 21st century and their effects – such as social inequality, the democracy and climate crisis, artificial intelligence – require fundamental and sustainable social transformations and a comprehensive cultural change. In this series of events, we are addressing the topic of sustainability as a principle of action that encompasses all areas of life and society on a cultural, social, ecological and economic level. We will explore new ideas, spaces for action and strategies for cultural sustainability in the combination of theory and practice and get to know different cultural and artistic practices.
Concept and realization: Elke Zobl in cooperation with Katharina Anzengruber
A series of the program area Contemporary Art and Cultural Production in cooperation with the project Co-CreART (Science and Art, University Mozarteum/Paris-Lodron University)
Please register for the individual dates at:
You will be sent a link to the event for online events.