Around 140 people came to the Jahrmarkttheater in Bostelwiebeck on May 21, 2023 to experience the performative repair festival “The opposite of hate is repair”. In a mix of a performative tour, concert and audio exhibition, guests were able to listen to personal stories of repair and experience different perspectives on the topic of sustainable material use. Our tour opened up spaces in the Jahrmarkttheater that would otherwise remain hidden from the public: The residency apartment, fundus and workshops became stages and gave visitors* new, connecting insights into their theater. The experience could be discussed together at a long table over coffee and cake on mended and glued crockery.
With its projects, the BecklasJurado team aims to create emotional access to abstract topics such as sustainability and recycling for the audience and give them space for participation and exchange.
BecklasJurado is a team for participatory exhibitions, installations and visual theater experiences. Together and in interdisciplinary teams, the artists Katharina Becklas and Estrella Jurado develop productions and walk-in installations in which space and costumes become performative elements and traces of production and processing become visible. Both conduct theoretical and practical research into current and historical material conditions in the theater context and try to promote the sustainable use of material in collaboration with material initiatives. They are founders of SK Freie Szene – a nationwide network for scenography, costume and visual arts in the performing arts, which promotes networking and knowledge transfer among cultural practitioners and represents them in cultural policy.
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The event is part of the series „eARTh: Klima, Kunst, Kultur“.