Teaching Program of Science & Arts
With the study supplements “The Arts: Practice and Mediation” and “Cultural Management and Cultural Production”, W&K offers practice-oriented courses at the interface of science and art. This enables students to acquire valuable additional qualifications in the fields of arts education, cultural production and cultural management.
The courses are aimed at all PLUS and MOZ students interested in culture. Our courses can be attended individually and credited as electives. In addition, the following supplementary courses can be completed with university certificates:
The basic module "The Arts: Theory and Discourses" (12 ECTS)
The module “The Arts: Theory and Discourses” introduces students to the research areas at the interfaces of art, society, culture and science. The courses include theoretical reflections, academic and institutional discourses as well as possibilities of artistic practice. How are artistic works created? Under what conditions do they become possible? How do they develop? What effect do they have and how are they experienced and perceived?
The supplementary course "The Arts: Practice and Mediation" (24 ECTS)
This supplementary course takes a critical look at the historical development and current characteristics of the arts and examines the possibilities of their mediation. It is aimed in particular at students who wish to work in art and cultural institutions or educational professions. The courses offer events on individual art forms, their reception and mediation in various contexts – including medicine – in theory and practice.
The supplementary course "Cultural Management and Cultural Production" (24 ECTS)
The supplementary course provides interdisciplinary basic knowledge in cultural management, cultural mediation and cultural production at the interfaces of contemporary art, culture and society. The aim is to acquire application-related skills for the analysis and implementation of management processes in the contemporary cultural sector as well as for the independent development and implementation of art and cultural projects in the context of socially relevant topics and developments.
The study focus "Arts, Culture and their Mediation" (36 ETCS)
The study focus imparts skills for the comprehensive development and implementation of cultural activities in the context of the arts. These skills are based on an interdisciplinary academic foundation and also include practice-oriented skills and knowledge in mediation.
Issue of certificates
The courses can be attended in any order. After successful completion of the respective courses, the certificates can be applied for at the W&K office.
The examination certificates for the courses must be submitted in digital form. The lecturer will check the ECTS credits and the correct allocation of the completed courses. The certificates are then issued on behalf of the Vice-Rector for Teaching at the Center for Flexible Learning (ZFL) of the PLUS.
It is also possible to enter the study supplement or specialization in the Master’s or diploma examination certificate as part of the free electives.
Information can also be found at the ZFL at https://www.plus.ac.at/zfl-flexibles-lernen/service-fuer-studierende/studienergaenzungen/wissenschaft-kunst/ and at https://www.moz.ac.at/de/studium/service-support/studienergaenzungen or can be obtained via studienergaenzung@plus.ac.at.