eJournal des Programmbereichs Zeitgenössische Kunst und Kulturproduktion
Analogous to the premises of the focus area, the eJournal p/art/icipate is dedicated to the analysis of artistic and cultural practice in its contextual and communicative structures from an interdisciplinary perspective. The focus is on the reflection and investigation of the processual development of cultural and artistic interventions and their strategies in the context of (public) framework conditions.
In specific thematic issues, the eJournal p/art/icipate presents different perspectives in the context of “contemporary art and cultural production” and explains them through specialist articles, project documentations from practice as well as supplementary tips and further reading.
The eJournal reflects our multi-layered discourse with contemporary artistic as well as social phenomena – in research, teaching and outreach: Ongoing insight into our research work is closely linked to activities in teaching and joint projects with students as well as cultural practitioners in Salzburg. The eJournal therefore consists of a combination of theory and practice, with some thematic issues being more practice-oriented and some more theoretical.
Issue 14: WANDLE! Reflexion des transdisziplinären und künstlerisch-forschenden Labors Wandeln
Issue 13: DIVERSIFY! Kunst und Kultur im Wandel. Oktober 2022
Issue 12: CREATE! –Experimentierräume im Kontext von Klimawandel und Nachhaltigkeit. Oktober 2021.
Issue 11: Shut Down! Kunst- und Kulturpraxen unter veränderten Ausgangs_Bedingungen. Oktober 2020
Issue 10: Open Up! II – Kulturelle Teilhabe in der Praxis. Oktober 2019
Issue 9: “Open Up! Ein- und Ausschlüsse in Kunst und Kultur”. Oktober 2018
Issue 8: “Experiment! Experimentierraum Wissenschaft und Kunst”. Oktober 2017
Issue 7: “Take Part! Partizipation von Kunst und Bildung aus denken”. Oktober 2016
Issue 6: “Rethink! Über das Verhältnis von Kunst und kultureller Bedeutungsproduktion.” Oktober 2015
Issue 5: “Intervene! Künstlerische Interventionen II: Bildung als kritische Praxis.” Oktober 2014
Issue 3: “Go Public! Kunst, Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeit.” Oktober 2013
Issue 2: “Engage! Kunst, Politik und kultureller Widerstand.” März 2013