Funding and Fair Pay: Activities of the Department of Art and Culture of the Province of Salzburg

The workshop provides insights into the funding programmes and structures of the Department of Arts and Culture in the Province of Salzburg, in particular into processes, specific calls for proposals, requirements for funding, applications, challenges and strategy developments in the funding system. Particular attention is paid to the practical calculation of projects and the design of applications. Another focus is on the topic of fair pay, with key questions being addressed: What are the current recommendations for artists and cultural workers? How can art production be valued? How does the province of Salzburg implement fair pay and what challenges need to be overcome? The workshop illustrates the topics using best practice examples and offers the opportunity to develop answers to the questions based on a concrete project.

Elfi Eberhard studied music education and maths at the University of Salzburg and completed her cultural management training at the ICCM Salzburg and the Marcel Hicter Foundation Brussels. She has worked in the fields of PR and communication as well as production and conception for various cultural organisations in Salzburg and as a freelance production manager (including Rockhouse, ARGEkultur, Winterfest, SZENE Salzburg, Kontracom Festival, aspekte Festival, tanz_house, Donaufestival Krems). In 2005, together with Nicole Haitzinger, she founded tanzbuero Salzburg, which primarily develops workshop and research formats for the dance and performance scene. From 2011 to 2017, she worked for the Salzburg Festival in press and sponsorship and returned to SZENE Salzburg in April 2017. In November 2020, she moved to the Cultural Department of the State of Salzburg, where she is responsible for the funding area of performing arts and cultural mediation.
Organisation, conception, moderation: Anita Moser


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Foto © Elfi Eberhard