Information on the doctoral college
The inter-university doctoral college is funded jointly by the Mozarteum University and the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, as well as the province of Salzburg. On October 1, the fourth round will start with seven doctoral students under the motto “Cultures in Transformation”.
The doctoral college deals with the phenomena, concepts and processes of social change in their interaction with the arts and their publics. In line with the objectives of the Inter-University Organization Science and Arts, the college has a transdisciplinary orientation and offers a framework for networked research and work. At the same time, it promotes a theoretical understanding and methodological competencies within and between the different disciplines, but especially between theory and practice of the arts and cultures.
With a view to the doctoral college, a separate curriculum has been developed. Since 1 October 2015, the Inter-University Doctoral Program Science and Arts has been open to all those looking to study for a doctorate on a topic at the interface of art and science. The aim is to provide exceptional training for young scholars by imparting the ability to conduct independent academic work, in addition to artistic and cultural competencies and professional academic training. The inter-university program culminates with a Ph.D. awarded jointly by the Mozarteum University and the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg.
The academic director of the college is Nicole Haitzinger (Department of Music and Dance Studies, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg). Since 1 March 2022, the academic co-director is Lucia D’Errico (Mozarteum University Salzburg). The administrative manager for the college is Anita Moser (Focus Area Contemporary Art and Cultural Production, Inter-University Organization Science and Arts). Roswitha Gabriel assists the students in all organizational matters.
Funded by Land Salzburg, Referat 1/02: Wirtschafts-, Wissenschafts- und Forschungsförderung