Transformance – Untersuchung diskriminierungssensibler Kunstpraxen
Erstbetreuerin: Univ. Kyoko Shinozaki, Ph.D., Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie
Zweitbetreuerin: Nora Sternfeld, Hochschule für Bildende Künste Hamburg, Kunstpädagogik
Transformance – Investigations on discrimination-sensitive art practices
The aim of this research is to reflect on the systemization of transformative and discrimination sensitive art (production), thereby contributing to the current body of research and to cultural work in general. Ultimately, this research seeks to create opportunities in the medium term for population groups that, are marginalized, allowing them to actively engage in art practice. The terms ‘intercultural’ and ‘transcultural’ will be examined in view of their theoretical implications to arrive at the following research question: how is difference addressed conceptually? This research question will be investigated in an empirical analysis of various constructions of difference, which are often implicit in nature. Furthermore, this analysis will examine how these constructions are translated into particular aesthetic-artistic modes of expression and formats, followed by a systematic compilation and analysis of inter- and transcultural methods used in theatre projects and performances. Marta Górnickas performance Grundgesetz. Ein chorischer Stresstest is taken as an example and as the starting point of the investigation. The director and singer Górnicka shows exemplarily what an artistic work can look like, that does not reproduce the idea of ethnically homogeneous groups by referring to a very diverse community of individuals. Thereby differences are not levelled: they are vocally perceptible, stand side by side and complement each other. Subsequently, these methods and modes of production will be subject to an in-depth review of their anti-discriminatory content in a research-setting that is both experimental and collaborative.
The final step in this research entails implementing its results into a performance which makes mechanisms of exclusion in the established cultural scene clearly visible. Thereby, realities that can be found in the cultural sector are going to be visually expanded through augmented reality. Consequently, this part of the research entails artistic processing of both exclusion and instrumentalization as well strategies which help marginalized groups to make their voices heard.
Short biography
Ivana Pilić works as a cultural worker, curator and diversity-consultant. She was co-curator of urbanize! Internationales Festival für urbane Erkundungen 2018. From 2014-2017 the assistant artistic director of Brunnenpassage in Vienna. In addition to her curatorial activities, her focus lies on the development of diversity-sensitive and participatory concepts for the cultural field, for example for the Zukunftsakademie/Bochum or the cultural foundation Pro Helvetia/CH. She is interested in the interface between theory and practice, between contemporary art and political participation. She is the co-author of the book Art Practices in the Migration Society. Since 2016 she is a board member of the cultural festival WIENWOCHE and has been part of the advisory board for district culture and interculturality of the cultural department of the city of Vienna since 2018.