Call for applications for the Inter-University Doctoral School “Cultures in Transformation”
The Inter-University Organization Science and Arts of Paris Lodron University (PLUS) and Mozarteum University Salzburg (MOZ), established in 2002, is specialized in research, teaching, and communication on the multifaceted relationship between the sciences and the arts across various disciplines.
In this context, a four-year Doctoral School on the theme of “Cultures in Transformation” will be established from the winter semester 2024/25. The School will be funded by the state of Salzburg, PLUS and MOZ.
The field of the Doctoral School situates itself at the interface between science and art and its goal is to contribute to the development and expansion of knowledge in both areas. The academic dissertation projects led by candidates will deal with phenomena, concepts and processes of social change in the context of the arts and their public spheres. In terms of their thematic and methodological orientation, their aim is to combine exploratory and research approaches from both academic disciplines as well as cultural, curatorial and artistic fields of practice.
The Doctoral School is aimed at graduates of universities, art universities and polytechnics (at master’s degree level). In line with the objectives of the Inter-University Organization Science and Arts, the program is transdisciplinary in nature and offers a framework for networked research and work. The Doctoral Program promotes and imparts theoretical understanding and methodological skills at postgraduate level. In particular, the relationship between theoretical and practical aspects of the arts and cultural forms of articulation are explored. The aim is to provide doctoral students with the support they need to make an independent contribution to academic and artistic research.
The candidates’ academic projects should address the topic of “Cultures in Transformation”. Thematic and methodological connections to one or more focus areas of the Inter-University Organization are encouraged but not mandatory:
- Figurations of Transition
- Music – Effect – Analysis
- Society & Sustainability | Contemporary Arts and Cultural Production
Doctoral students will be enrolled in the Inter-University Doctoral Program in Science and Art (PLUS and MOZ). After successful graduation, the academic degree Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) will be issued.
- Start of the enrolment: 1 October 2024
- Contract duration: 12 + 36 months (assigned for one year, usually extended for an additional 3 years thereafter)
- Main responsibilities: scientific work with the aim of obtaining a doctorate within the context of the Doctoral School. Participation and collaboration in the school’s events, active involvement in joint colloquia, discussion rounds, public events, and networked project work.
- A 50% on-site presence is expected; core working hours will be defined at the beginning of the Doctoral School.
- Fully equipped workstations are available.
The Inter-University Doctoral Program is primarily held in German. A proficiency in German at level C1 according to A Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR 2001 is required. The dissertation itself can be written in English (or another language in justified cases) in consultation with the supervisor.
General information: Seven doctoral positions (50%) will be available; admission is in accordance with § 28 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement for University Staff / employment group B1. The minimum monthly salary for this position is: € 1.789,40.
The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg and the Mozarteum University of Salzburg are striving to increase the proportion of women and therefore expressly encourage qualified women to apply.
People with disabilities or chronic illnesses who fulfil the required qualification criteria are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information, please call +43/662/8044-2465 or visit
We value diversity and therefore welcome all applications—regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic and social background, religion/belief, disability, age, sexual orientation, and identity.
Travelling and accommodation expenses arising from the admission procedure cannot be covered.
Required application documents:
- Curriculum vitae in tabular form, including a detailed career outline showing previous academic as well as artistic, curatorial and/or cultural experience and achievements.
- If applicable, list of publications, lectures, exhibitions, artistic and curatorial work, etc.
- Cover letter stating the applicant’s motivation (1 page)
- Project outline (15,000-25,000 characters incl. spaces and bibliography) and an abstract (max. 1 page)
- Copies of certificates (master’s degree certificate)
- Naming of two people as references
Please submit your application in postal and digital form by 15 March 2024.
Inter-University Organization Science and Arts
Paris Lodron University Salzburg and Mozarteum University
Bergstr. 12a
A 5020 Salzburg
If you have further questions, please contact:
Roswitha Gabriel (administrative assistant)
T: 0043 (0)662/8044-2383
PLUS bulletin on the call for applications for the doctoral programme
