Science & Art receives the International Main Prize for Science & Research of the Salzburg Cultural Fund

The inter-university institution Science and Arts was awarded this year’s International Main Prize for Science & Research by the Salzburg Cultural Fund. The award ceremony took place on November 27, 2023 in the Solitaire of the Mozarteum University. Together with the five other prizewinners, Elisabeth Klaus (Head of W&K until September 2023) and Thomas Ballhausen (Head of W&K since October 2023) were presented with the Cultural Fund Prize by Deputy Mayor and Head of the Department of Culture Bernhard Auinger. At this 59th award ceremony, the focus was on cross-disciplinary work and interdisciplinarity.

The award, endowed with 12,000 euros, was presented to the W&K management with the following justification from the jury: “The currently unique institution of two universities provides important impulses for innovative science and research in Salzburg. The management team focuses on cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary art, culture and mediation work and thus addresses topics that are highly relevant to Salzburg as a city of culture and knowledge.”

We would like to thank the City of Salzburg for the award!

And we congratulate all the other award winners, who are presented here:

Click here for the full press release from the City of Salzburg:

Thomas Ballhausen, Elisabeth Klaus, Vizebürgermeister Bernhard Auinger © Wildbild/Doris WildThomas Ballhausen, Elisabeth Klaus, Vizebürgermeister Bernhard Auinger © Wildbild/Doris Wild


Award ceremony of the Salzburg Cultural Fund Prizes on November 27, 2023