„Zukunft mit Zukunft. Klima, Kunst, Kultur – Experimentierräume und Vermittlungsformate“
Practical handbook as part of the project “Spaces of Cultural Democracy”
Open Access
The handbook “Zukunft mit Zukunft. Climate, Art, Culture – Experimental Spaces and Mediation Formats” was created as part of the research project Spaces of Cultural Democracy, which was carried out from 2019 to 2023 in cooperation with the Salzburg Museum and dealt with how topics in the context of the climate crisis and sustainable development can be communicated and what role artistic and cultural practices can play in this. Concepts and materials were developed for experimental spaces and mediation strategies in public and digital spaces, at schools and in museums. The handbook summarizes the materials, findings and experiences that have emerged from the “Spaces of Cultural Democracy” project. The publication is aimed in particular at interested multipliers from education, mediation and research, as well as actors in the arts and culture sector, with the aim of encouraging them to become active themselves and in exchange with other actors and to counter the climate crisis with a sustainable, desirable future with a future.
It is available to everyone free of charge as an open access publication: : https://www.p-art-icipate.net/raeume/handbuch-und-materialien/
Elke Zobl and Katharina Anzengruber in collaboration with Sandra Kobel, Timna Pachner, Sophia Reiterer and Doris Posch (2023): ZUKUNFT MIT ZUKUNFT. Klima, Kunst, Kultur – Experimentierräume und Vermittlungsformate. Praxis-Handbuch „Räume kultureller Demokratie”. Salzburg: Self-published.
Impressions from the book presentation on November 18 at Salzburg AG as part of the City of Salzburg’s Knowledge Days “Climate. Changes”. Thanks to Hubert Auer for the photos!

Handbook publication as part of the project "Spaces of Cultural Democracy"