The third OIS zam: Forum of the Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft will take place from September 13-14, 2024, this time at the Mozarteum in Salzburg. Around 40 projects that are already successfully practising participation and inclusion will be presented at the forum.
More information on the program and registration (until 2.9.)
On Friday from 11:30-12:30 Katharina Anzengruber and Elke Zobl will present the (completed) third-party funded project “Räume kultureller Demokratie” and the resulting publication “Zukunft mit Zukunft – Klima, Kunst, Kultur. Partizipative Experimentierräume und Vermittlungsformate”.
On Friday from 15:00-16:00, the project staff will be on site in the themed café “Between Art, Science and Civil Society”:
Katharina Anzengruber (Science & Art, Mozarteum Salzburg), Sandra Kobel, Sonja Prlić (Science & Art, gold extra), Sophia Reiterer (Science & Art, gold extra), Elke Zobl (Science & Art, Paris Lodron University Salzburg)
How can artistic-scientific teams work together with civil society to create common spaces for good coexistence? The focus area Society & Sustainability | Contemporary Art and Cultural Production presents projects and approaches at the interface to society and various participatory formats. There will be the opportunity to try out practical examples and formats and to exchange ideas.
One part of the theme café is the mobile exhibition “From Trash to Treasure – Favorite Pieces New”. It was created as part of co-creative processes and offers a diverse view of repairing and recycling as a sustainable, social and interactive practice.
Information about the exhibition: Under the motto “From trash to treasure: favorite pieces new. Reusing instead of wasting resources”, the exhibition is dedicated to recycling and upcycling. It was designed by the Contemporary Art and Cultural Production focus area and the Co-CreART project in cooperation with various partners in Salzburg. In co-creative processes, old favorite pieces were repaired and creatively upgraded with students and clients of Lebenshilfe and with young people from a youth center of the Spektrum association. Pupils from Seekirchen High School produced stop-motion video clips on the circular economy and sustainability, and students acted as mobile reporters and filmed in workshops and repair cafés.
The exhibition is set up and supervised in the foyer for the entire duration of the OIS zam: Forum.