Julieta Jacobi

Foto: Hubert Auer

Julieta Jacobi

Julieta Jacobi completed a master’s degree in motology with a focus on body psychotherapy at the Philipps University of Marburg and a bachelor’s degree in theater pedagogy with a focus on dance at the Hochschule für Künste im Sozialen.

She worked  as a research assistant in the “Psychology of Movement” department at the Philipps University of Marburg (UMR), as a research assistant for inclusion and art (HKS Ottersberg) and as a student assistant in education for the blind and visually impaired (UMR).  Among other things, she was involved in the organization of the conference “Demokratisierung der Sinne. Sensuality of Democracy” (UMR). She also teaches at the UMR, the HfMDK Frankfurt am Main and the HKS Ottersberg in the field of Cultural Education.

Julieta Jacobi’s research interests lie at the nexus of disability and gender studies with a focus on ocularcentrism (critiques) and sensory appropriations of urban space. Performance studies, artistic research, relational spatial theories, soma and sense studies and feminist embodiment research are particularly central to her dissertation project in the Inter-University Doctoral School “Cultures in Transformation”.