DIY media! 10 years of queer-feminist zine archive in Salzburg

10:00-12:00: Let’s make a zine! Feminist and queer Zines
Workshop with Elke Zobl (Wissenschaft & Kunst) and Stefanie Grünangerl (Generali Foundation Studienzentrum, Museum der Moderne Salzburg)
Wissenschaft & Kunst, Atelier, Bergstraße 12a, 5020 Salzburg

In memory of Teresa Lugstein, former make it girls’ representative of the province of Salzburg

From the historical women’s movement to the current queer feminist movement, feminists have voiced their concerns in self-published, often handmade magazines, pamphlets and flyers. Feminist zines (self-produced and self-distributed magazines) are a powerful reminder that many girls*, young women*, LGBTQI and marginalized people feel unheard or misrepresented in society and in the mass media. They therefore produce their own alternative media in which they create self-defined and empowering images, content and networks and criticize society. The Riot Grrrl movement in particular has produced a large number of zines. Some of them found their way into the Grrrl Zine Collection at the University of Salzburg, with the aim of making zines accessible to the public as important, albeit unconventional and difficult to archive artifacts and as ‘living archives’.
In the workshop, we will take a closer look at this world of self-produced feminist magazines and zines and discuss their content, aims and diversity on the basis of examples. We provide insights into the possibilities of mediation, e.g. with the toolbox Making Art, Making Media, Making Change or the exhibition Queer*fem* magaZINES. Queer and Feminist Publishing in Art and Culture (2023) at the Generali Foundation Study Center at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg. And: We go into the production of zines! Together as a group, we will create our own zine using a variety of methods such as collage or typewriting. We will try out how zines can be used to bring up topics that interest us and to criticize and discuss with others what annoys us.

Buffet (provided by gendup/FGDD-Family Gender Disability and Diversity)

13:30-15:30 Uhr: Insights into the zine archive at gendup
Kaigasse 17, 5020 Salzburg

The Elke Zobl Collection comprises over 2,000 queer-feminist zines produced from the 1990s to the 2000s. The internationally oriented collection includes zines from the USA, Brazil, Peru, Canada, Australia, Europe and Asia. The various zines allow us to trace the content-related debates of queer-feminist movements. It is about theory and activism, but also about personal stories.
The collection is accompanied by a selection of literature on zines, the riot grrrl movement and feminist media production. The collection developed as part of a five-year research stay by Elke Zobl in California. During this time, she also conducted interviews with the zine makers, which can be accessed online via the gendup website.
One focus of the collection is on the Riot Grrrl movement, which began in the early 1990s in Olympia (Washington, USA). Bikini Kill, a band of the time, published the Riot Grrrl Manifesto and set an international movement in motion with their initiative, which numerous bands and artists still refer to today. A DIY-influenced queer-feminist practice created a variety of media, as well as places for networking, exchange and production – such as the Ladyfeste. The activities have continued to develop over the years and many diverse feminist and queer zines are currently being published.
After an introduction to the collection, there will be ample opportunity to look through copies from the archive and discuss them.


A cooperation of Focus area Society & Sustainability | Contemporary Art and Cultural Production and gendup/FGDD-Family Gender Disability and Diversity (PLUS)
