“Co-CreART. Co-Creating Change!” nominated for Sustainability Award 2024

The cooperation project “Co-CreART. Co-Creating Change!” has been selected from 182 submissions as one of twelve nominated projects in the ‘Learning’ category. It was nominated for the Sustainability Award 2024 by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology.

Artistic-creative and scientific-technical approaches are the focus of the inter- and transdisciplinary project “Co-CreART. Co-Creating Change” takes center stage. Together with children and young people, the CreART Lab will be developed over the next few years, a mobile educational space with various opportunities to engage with innovative ideas and possible solutions on the topics of sustainable building and living as well as climate-friendly mobility.

There are many opportunities for children and young people to get involved in the CreART Lab, ranging from workshops and school projects to working on VWAs and dissertations. They are supported by partners from art & culture, science & technology, education & mediation and companies & networks. The cooperations from which the children and young people can benefit in the course of the project are diverse and extend beyond the city – even into the province of Salzburg. Some of the cooperation partners include: the state of Salzburg, the city of Salzburg, Holzcluster Salzburg, Verein Spektrum, Radiofabrik Salzburg, FS1 Salzburg, Bildungsdirektion Salzburg, BG Seekirchen and HTBLuVA Salzburg.

The Sustainability Award 2024 is presented in four categories: learning, research, anchoring and cooperation. For each category, the Sustainability Award 2024 will be presented once in gold and twice in silver by an international jury of representatives from science, practice and the media. The award ceremony by Federal Minister Polaschek and Federal Minister Gewessler will take place on 26.11.2024 in the concert hall of the Vienna Boys’ Choir.

“Co-CreART. Co-Creating Change!” is a project of the Mozarteum University Salzburg (Head: Katharina Anzengruber) funded by the Climate and Energy Fund in cooperation with the Paris Lodron University Salzburg and the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, located at the Inter-University Institution of Science and Art

Further information can be found at: https://www.moz.ac.at/de/studium/departments/musikpaedagogik-sbg/co-crear


